

Ta-da: M.M.'s mittens. Believe it or not, this image has not been Photoshopped at all. The mittens are sitting on a white folding chair and I used the flash, which effectively erased the chair and produced Mittens In Space:

Here they are in a more earthly setting. The colors in the space one are more accurate though. I don't know why in both these photos they look all messy and like there are ends and fuzzes sprouting off them. They're actually far tidier than these images would have you believe. Really, they are:

And here is the next pair, in progress. I'm not sure that I'm in love with the stripes, but they're fun enough, I guess:

Thanks for the comments, by the way. Blechy Blogger doesn't give me reply-tos for comments, so I can't acknowledge them privately, but I appreciate 'em anyway.


Is it possible for a child to survive on actually no vegetables at all? M.M. is now refusing to eat peas! I don't know what to do with someone who won't even touch the most benign, inoffensive vegetable ever. Malnutrition is around the corner, I fear. We went to the pediatrician yesterday for her (belated) 3 year old checkup (now called a 'well child visit' for some inscrutably euphemistic reason) and the nurse asked if she at a balanced diet, "meat, vegetables, and all". I kind of choked on my answer, because obviously I wasn't going to say no, but it was a little bit not true. The only saving grace is soup. She will consent once in a while to eating some soup, and even if she avoids actually putting anything vegetable-like in her mouth, I take comfort in the idea that the nutrients from the vegetables have been infused into the broth. Don't tell me it's not true. I like my little fantasy and being disabused won't help anything.

I still haven't gotten any pictures of the finished mittens, and I'd better get to it before they get lost or mangled or rubbed in the mud. I'm nearly done with the first of the new, striped mittens, cast on on the spur of the moment for my cousin. They're looking nice, I'm using a heathered light blue Cascade 220 in narrow, one-row stripes, and the same purply bluey greeny Miss Priss from the previous mittens in slightly wider, 2 row stripes. They remind me just slightly of those 1970s striped polo shirts, but not too much. I think I like them.

Still haven't gotten back to my sock. Don't know why. Mitten fever, I guess, and some psychological pathology about not knitting for myself, I'm sure. One of these days I'll get to them.


Catching Butterflies

This photo really doesn't have anything to do with anything, I just wanted to add some visual interest. I had insomnia last night (couldn't be the coffee ice cream at 10pm could it?) and didn't get to sleep til God-knows-when, so I have nothing much coherent to say.

We managed to have a relatively pleasant day today however. My 13 year old cousin who is also one of M.M.'s favorite people came over this morning for pancakes and stayed for a little while to play. We made orange play dough (so much fun to make). I made lots of progress on M.M.'s second mitten only to get to the top decreases and discover that I was missing 2 stitches (I told you I was tired). I suspect that when I did the thumb gusset I started it wider than I should have, thus incorporating stitches that should have stayed in the hand section.

Whatever the case, I frogged it back to the end of the cuff ribbing and am starting back from there. I thought I'd be finished it by early this evening and able to move on. Oh well.