I've just decided: I'm not taking a shower tonight. I go through this frequently, needing a shower, wanting to take one before bed when M.M.'s asleep but being too tired and throwing in the towel (heh). Again, tonight. I truly need a good night's sleep. My brain's been foggy with fatigue all day, and I'm having anxiety and stupidity as a result. So, no soap!
I paid my bills tonight. I'm feeling proud and impoverished. I am in a desperate pickle, and I really need to find a stream of income that does not require me to expend time or energy, as I have none to spare beyond what goes into M.M.-care. She's already getting shortchanged on the Mama-attention meter. My new plan is to pay bills every weekend so they don't get so out of control, and so I maintain a more realistic and depressing view of my financial status.
More cheerfully, I'm still knitting the diaper soaker that I started last week. I'm getting to the section that I have no idea how to perform, so it may fall apart soon. Meanwhile, I'm waiting for yarn and needles for a sweater for the New Nephew, and the right sized needle for a hat for him to match the one I made M.M. I'm proud of myself for jumping into this knitting craze and adventuring with it, attempting sweaters and all. I hope to have photos of the finished products eventually.